Monday, May 24, 2010

The end of the year. We Finally Made It!!! This year has been full of fun and excitement. It is sad to say goodbye but I'm ready for a new beginning. This class was interesting to say the least some of the fun times I will take with me forever. I learned a lot this year. I will always remember the funny presentations. I have learned many things threw the blogs that I have done. I hope to keep the friends that I have made in this class and others. So class of 2010 we are finally at the end of the road of this great adventure we call high school. So to all of you good luck!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Things do not change; we change.-Thoreau

Blog Challenge #7

It was actually very hard to find someone with a blog roll but here are the people that I commented. He lives in Hong Kong, so thats what I commented about. It would be cool to visit Hong Kong. She was saying about how the weather is weird so I told her it was weird here to. He wrote a poem about things he likes. I commented about that.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Blog Challenge #5

Copyright. I think that if someone reuses your pictures or thoughts and use it for anything other than to get profit it should be alright. Should my blog be copyrighted? I don't believe it should be. If someone wants to use something I said they can. I believe that since I posted it online I understood that anyone could use or view my original thoughts and ideas. As for pictures I think that if you post it on the Internet you should know that anyone can see or use that image. This is my opinion on the copyright subject.
This is my dream board..
The usf symbol is because I eventually want to go there to further my education after scf.
The two rings symbolize that I want to get married and be happy.
The suitcase is a symbol of my love for travel, I want to take time and travel before I settle down.
The work people symbolize me wanting to be successful in where ever my life takes me.
The happy family symbol is me wanting to have a happy family.
The symbol of the kids is because I want kids.
The publix symbol is because I want to make a carrer at publix.

Spring Break!

Spring break is a time for relaxation. My spring break was very good. I took off of work which is a long needed vacation, if you know me I never take off of work. With this time I did mostly nothing which was amazing. Although I did spend some time remodeling my bedroom, I didn't really mind it. Thursday April 1 was my 18th birthday. I didn't really do anything special, just went to lunch with my best friend and my sister. I then drove to my grandparents by myself and my siblings. Which is a task I have never done on my own before, they live a little north of Orlando. It would not have been that bad except for the fact that I had my eight year old brother, who had to use the restroom every five minutes. My twelve year old sister constantly changing the radio and turning it up to drowned out my brother. After three and a half hours of this we made it to my grandparents. We then spent Easter there coloring eggs and all the good stuff that goes along with Easter. So even though my break was pretty boring I enjoyed it.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

blog Challenge #4

There are many things that people do to be green, and in the last few years there has been a great improvement in how many people are trying to be green. With all these people "going green" only good things can come.
So what are some simple easy things you can do to go green? Try replacing some simple household items, from light bulbs to grocery bags, to water bottles. The possibilities are endless. They even make T-shirts that are organic. One of the big things that could help you go green is to get a recycling bin and start recycling. Turn off the lights when you leave a room. If you simply reduce the amount of paper that you are using it would help you go green. If you are trying to be super green you could always go out and buy a hybrid car.
Am I green? I am trying to convert to greenness, and believe me I know first hand how hard it actual is. It is hard to break old habits that is for sure. I have probably Fourteen reusable Publix bags, and I always forget them. I have been better it's just getting into the green life style that is difficult. I have switched to CFL light bulbs. The one thing that I am guilty of is water bottle use. I can't seem to break that habit, I always have a water bottle. I have been meaning to buy a eco-friendly water bottle.
Making the change to "being green" will be hard, but with little simple habits that we CAN change will make the difference. So why don't you start right now, start the change that will save our environment. Why don't you "be green"?
Images from Google images.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I posted on Brittney, Aimeiand, Aesop, and Ariana's blog.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Blog Challenge #2

When is it appropriate for students to use real photos of themselves on their blogs? I believe that if the student is alright with putting their picture out there then let them do it. There are always people out there that will exploit the Internet and if you take the right precautions then there is no reason to fret. Just having a picture out there is not going to hurt anybody. As long as you don't take a picture of you in front of your house in your gym uniform then you will be alright.
I have not posted any personal pictures on my blog yet. This has nothing to do with not wanting a picture of me out there. I would never post any personal information on the Internet that could potential put me in harms way. I don't use the Internet to meet friends, I use it to communicate with the friends I already have. I also would never post inappropriate pictures of my self or others on the Internet. I am almost positive that before the school year is over I will have some form of a photo of myself on my blog. If you use common sense then there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to post a simple picture of yourself. Just use your head and you will be safe.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Blog Challenge #1

Why should you visit my blog? My blog is full of my personality, random and surprising. My blog is based on a English/Art class that I am taking in my High School. I take what I learn in English and express myself through my blog and artwork in my Art class. On my blog you will learn my opinion of what we are learning in English we have already done many interesting stories including: Lord of the Flies, Macbeth, and Life of Pi. We will also be using assignments from the blogging challenge. Every once in awhile we get to choose our own topic and thats where things get really interesting. You will also be able to view some of the artwork that I create. Although I am not a great artist(This is where random and surprising comes in) I try. I also try and put pictures with most of my blogs. From what I have been hearing we will also be introducing video into our blogs. That in itself will be a reason to visit my blog, we have many different characters in this class and when you put a few of them together you could have something amazing wether it be funny or serious. So take some time and take a adventure into my blog.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Life of Pi

After reading Life of Pi there are many things that I have learned. The struggles that Pi went threw have so many life lessons in them. When Pi gets on lifeboat he has to struggle with both physical and mental issues. You learn about the animals that Pi must deal with. I learned about the true nature of the hyenas, which is absolutely disgusting. I learned a lot about the tiger and the whole alpha male concept. I also learned from Pi's mental struggles on his journey. He had to deal with losing his family and being stranded in the Pacific Ocean. I learned from his behavior and the way he acted from the beginning to the end. At first he was all about faith and he was sure that someone would come and save him. As the story goes on it almost seems that Pi has lost his mind, and your not sure what to believe. I think that the biggest thing that I learned from Life of Pi was about religion. This is odd to because I'm not the religious type. His perspective on religion was very interesting to me. He studied three different religions and just wanted to love god. Throughout the book Pi stays faithful to god. Pi also teaches about how religion and zoology intertwine. There are many different things that I took from Life of Pi it was a good book.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Seat Belt vs. Text Message

After watching the two videos on text messaging and driving and wearing your seat belt I am impressed with both. Both give a very important message and I think both are done very well. Even though the text message video was very good and got the point across I loved the seat belt video. I believe that this video was the more effective of the two. The seat belt video had more of a positive feel where the text message video took more of a realistic gory view. I think that viewers would rather see the positive video. The seat belt video was so touching and so well done. The impact was so amazing it had such wow effect. This video really makes you think about not only the car accident, but it makes you think about the people that you are leaving behind. It was like the mans wife and daughter was the reason he wore his seat belt. They were his support or his "seat belt". I also believe that the seat belt video got the point across better it was again with the wow factor. This video had such a extremely powerful effect on viewers.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Cassie and I wrote this together hope you like it:

"Okay, we're coming back from the commercial in five," said the man with the headset, "just act naturally and remember, you're choosing Kayla to go home." Todd, the moderately attractive man of the show, was torn; he truly like Kayla even though she was not the sharpest tool in the box. She was a kind person, had legs that went for miles, and was certainly nicer than Ashley. Ashley, you see, was already destined for the top three. This rose ceremony, and all the ones before it, were planned. Ashley was only chosen because she brought good television, she had a heart of stone, and the personality of a cactus. Poor Kayla, Todd thought, she was going to go home, unaware that this whole stupid show was scripited.

"And we're on in five...four...three...," The man with the headset counted the rest on his fingers. "Welcome back to The Bachelor, where our lucky leading man will chose one lady to go home." the host said like a wannabe Ryan Secrest. "So Todd, who is going to go home?" Todd grabs three roses, one for Ashley, one for Rachel, and one for Carolynn. All four ladies stand, asphyxiating in their too-tight couture dresses. Todd goes through the script, as planned, handing a rose dramatically to Rachel, then to Carolynn. As he holds the final rose, he looks towards the cameramen. The man in the headset is standing there, glad he's taking his sweet time. Todd looks at Kayla, then Ashley, back to Kayla, then the man in the headset. Finally, he hands the rose to Kayla. Ashley bursts into predictable tears, and runs off.

"What did you do?!" The producer, the man in the headset, and Todd are all in the conference room. "You went off-script! You ruined the show!" The producer is sitting calmy as the man in the headset is slowly losing his mind. Todd doesn't let it phase him. "What," said the producer, "do you have to say for yourself?" Todd stands up, a god among mere mortals. "Gentlemen, I have seen the true side of love. You brought me here for ratings, yet I found my soulmate. Kayla is a wonderful human, beautiful, and has a kind heart. Ashley was good for being the villian of the show, but who said we need a villian? Isn't this show about trying to find the perfect person? You only see money and beauty, yet I see heart. That, gentlemen, is all I came to find." Todd walks out of the room, and down to the stage, where the entire production is in damage control mode. Ashley is screaming for his blood, yet Todd walks right past her. He stops at Kayla, swoops her into his arms dramatically, and gives her a big kiss. "What are you doing?!" Kayla looks at Todd in shock, and smacks him. "Uhm," Todd stutters, "I love you?" Kayla starts laughing so hard she's practically in tears. "I'm not real, you moron! I'm an actress!" Todd looks Kayla in the eyes and then walks off the set. He scolded himself for thinking he would find true love on a stupid reality television show. Oh well, he can always try again on The Bachelorette.

Teacher Tips

After being in school for twelve years there are so many tips that I would give teachers. If I had to pull out my top five these would be it:

1. Make it easy to understand- Don't make your work difficult to understand or to do. Many students will learn better if you just get to the point and tell them what to do without all the fancy directions.

2. Don't be mean- If your students don't feel comfortable around you, then they won't want to get any help from you. Be more of a friend but keep your back bone. Make sure you build a relationship with your students.

3. Don't do all bookwork- Most students don't like bookwork. Make your lesson plans full of fun projects, students learn better with class discussion and projects that will make them remember the lesson.

4. Listen to students- If your students don't like something your doing they will tell you. Make sure you really listen to your students wants and needs. They may even be helpful with your lesson plans.

5. Don't yell- You are not your students parent so don't act like it. Keep your clam in a diffcult situations. If needed pull the student out of the room talk to them about there problem in a calm manner. Most students just want to be listened to. If the problem cannot be solved then take further action by getting there parents involved.

These are my tips to teachers.


There was a young girl of Spain
who was in love with a boy named Shane
he was is love with a lama
whose was full of drama
So she decided to leave him for Wayne

There once was a girl of France
she loved to sing and dance
she jumped and twirled
but then she hurled
So she decided to take a new stance

There is a old man of brazil
He had a ton of big bills
he gave his love
to a beautiful dove
Finally had someone to put in his will

There once was a boy who loved the beaches
and he loved to eat peaches
he swam in the sea
and had nothing but glee
The boy would never leave beaches that had peaches

There once was a boy who lived in China
He dreamed of moving to South Carolina
so he jumped on a boat
but it didn't stay afloat
so he swam the rest of the way to South Carolina

Text and Drive

There are many people that text and drive. I must confess I am guilty of this act myself. I often try to wait until I'm at a red light, but even then I am still distracted and at high risk of having a accident. Most of my friends text and drive also, most say that they can text without looking so its ok. Even if you can text without looking your brain is on the text message not on the road where it should be. When I'm in a car with someone who is texting it is very scary to say the least. When the passenger is paying more attention than the driver you know there is a problem. Oprah is having a no text pledge that she is having her guest stars sign and you can sign it on her website. She had a whole show on the subject, and also has many commercials. If anyone can get threw to people it's Oprah. I think that they should pass a law that states that you cannot be on your phone at all while driving. I believe that they should put more commercials and advertisements on television and out for the public to see. I believe with a little bit of effort there would be great changes.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Everyone has their own personal philosophy of life, and that is the way that they live their life.
After searching through many quotes I believe that I have found one that I would use as guidelines for my life. The quote I picked is: Give thanks for what you are now, and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow. ~Fernanda Miramontes-Landeros... I picked this quote because it is the way that I live my life. Give thanks for what you have today, because it could always be worse. Someone in the world always has it worse than you do. So we should be thankful for what we have and who we have. All this shapes us as a person. With this you should never stop fighting for what you believe in and what you want to accomplish in life. Life will always be better tomorrow. If you believe it will get better it will.
The picture I chose was a picture of the northern lights. I picked this picture not only because of its obvious beauty, but because of what it means to me. I have always wanted to see the northern lights and I will someday. Its on my bucket list. My quote states keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010


Across the bumpy street and around the corner there lies a place full of fun. Within this place there is ringing, beeping, and tons of laughter. On the account of a big gray mouse whose appearance is nothing but a glee. Kids are running and playing climbing up and over to be at the top of the winding jungle gym, and if you wander through the big green arch way the sweet aroma of pizza is overwhelming. Where according to the logo and all of its occupants this is a place where a kid can be a kid. This place of course is Chuck E Cheese.


There have been many teachers that I have come across in the twelve years I have been in school. Some were nice some were horrid. There have been a select few that have had a huge impact in my life.
Mr. Strauss, he wasn't the typical "favorite" teacher. He was somewhat rough around the edges. Most people didn't like him at all. He was my fifth grade teacher, and he was good at his job. The way he taught inspired me to learn more, and that's saying a lot seeing as I was ten years old. The way he taught just made everything so easy to learn. Although he was like I said rough around the edges he was a great teacher.
Another teacher that has left a impact in my life would be Ms. Taylor( later to be Mrs. Plaster). Her impact was not like Mr. Strauss' although she was a wonderful Spanish I teacher, and I did learn a good amount in her class. Her Impact was her kindness and the way she cared about people when she didn't have to. She helped me more than she could ever know threw the most difficult time in my life. She was there for me even when I didn't want anyone to be. She is by far one of the most amazing people I have ever come across in my entire life. Yes, i am but a mere seventeen but even when I'm eighty she will still be at the top of the list.
O.K. lets not forget the most amazing teacher of all time. Of course I am talking about the wonderful Mrs.Ladd. I can truly say that in Mrs. Ladd's class I have learned more than in any other class that I have ever been in. The things that I have learned In her class are things that I will keep with me for my entire life(and actually use in everyday life). She is not only a teacher but a friend. She has honestly become a role model for me. Mrs. Ladd has the qualities of both the other teachers above and more.
There have been so many teachers with so many personalities. These are the select few that have had the largest impact on me. Wether it be because of the way they teach or just them for who they are these are my "favorite" teachers of all time.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Nicknames are a descriptive name given in place of or in addition to the official name of a person, place, or thing. So what is my nickname? The most popular of all the nicknames given to me throughout my life is Ari (R-E) it is abbreviated from my original name Ariana (R-E-ona). I am not sure why people cannot pronounce my name but I have gotten use to it and now don't even take the time to correct people anymore. In this way I do believe that I have a connection with Pi. My nickname was given to me when I was very little. I am not sure who really started it. It has grown on me so I have no objections to it. I have come to the point where I actually prefer to be called Ari. So this is my nickname, just a very simple Ari. There have been others but none that have stuck.

Monday, January 11, 2010

She walks in Beauty: Bailey and Ariana style

He strolls in grace, like a prince
of cloudless climes and starry skies
of his beauty he need not convince
Meet in his smile and his eyes
which have illuminated my heart long since
which heaven surely never denies

One shade the more, one ray the less
peace and warmth follow his royal highness
which all his noble men would confess
all this does not explain his shyness
where thoughts serenely sweet express
there would be no reason for slyness

His hair so golden, with eyes as blue as the ocean
so gentle, and peaceful, yet eloquent
A smile that wins, he has devotion
but tell of days in goodness spent
A mind at peace with all emotion
A heart whose love is innocent.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

what am I good at?

What am I good at? What are your major strengths? As easy as these questions sound they are difficult for most people to answer. So what are mine? I am a good reader. I read alot and am up for any type of book. Although I hate to be assigned something to read. I am a good listener. If you take your time out to talk to me I will listen. I will never tell your secrets if you confide in me. When I put my mind to something I finish it and do it to its highest potential. My major strengths are my friendliness and my ability to solve problems. People depend on me to be there for them. To help them threw there rough times. They also depend on me to help them with whatever they need help with. For the most part I try and do all this for the people that depend on me. What are some of my skills? I am a O.K pool player. I good at making sense out of something that makes no sense at all. I am good with kids. I am reliable.


There have been many new inventions of the decade. It was hard to pick which one was the best in my perspective. After thinking about it my choice is YouTube. YouTube is a online video sharing and viewing community. It was invented in 2005 by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim. I chose YouTube because everyone uses it. People use it just for fun, for educational purposes, or for instruction. Could you imagine life with out YouTube? I don't Know about you but I YouTube everything. Time Magazine made YouTube 2006 best invention. The original YouTube was sold to Google for 1.65billion dollars. YouTube is in 22 countries. YouTube was the number one video site on the Internet as of January, with 67.5 million unique users in the U.S., according to Nielsen Net Ratings. People watch hundreds of millions of videos a day on YouTube. There is no doubt that YouTube has had a huge impact on not only the United States, but the entire world.