Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

blog Challenge #4

There are many things that people do to be green, and in the last few years there has been a great improvement in how many people are trying to be green. With all these people "going green" only good things can come.
So what are some simple easy things you can do to go green? Try replacing some simple household items, from light bulbs to grocery bags, to water bottles. The possibilities are endless. They even make T-shirts that are organic. One of the big things that could help you go green is to get a recycling bin and start recycling. Turn off the lights when you leave a room. If you simply reduce the amount of paper that you are using it would help you go green. If you are trying to be super green you could always go out and buy a hybrid car.
Am I green? I am trying to convert to greenness, and believe me I know first hand how hard it actual is. It is hard to break old habits that is for sure. I have probably Fourteen reusable Publix bags, and I always forget them. I have been better it's just getting into the green life style that is difficult. I have switched to CFL light bulbs. The one thing that I am guilty of is water bottle use. I can't seem to break that habit, I always have a water bottle. I have been meaning to buy a eco-friendly water bottle.
Making the change to "being green" will be hard, but with little simple habits that we CAN change will make the difference. So why don't you start right now, start the change that will save our environment. Why don't you "be green"?
Images from Google images.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I posted on Brittney, Aimeiand, Aesop, and Ariana's blog.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Blog Challenge #2

When is it appropriate for students to use real photos of themselves on their blogs? I believe that if the student is alright with putting their picture out there then let them do it. There are always people out there that will exploit the Internet and if you take the right precautions then there is no reason to fret. Just having a picture out there is not going to hurt anybody. As long as you don't take a picture of you in front of your house in your gym uniform then you will be alright.
I have not posted any personal pictures on my blog yet. This has nothing to do with not wanting a picture of me out there. I would never post any personal information on the Internet that could potential put me in harms way. I don't use the Internet to meet friends, I use it to communicate with the friends I already have. I also would never post inappropriate pictures of my self or others on the Internet. I am almost positive that before the school year is over I will have some form of a photo of myself on my blog. If you use common sense then there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to post a simple picture of yourself. Just use your head and you will be safe.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Blog Challenge #1

Why should you visit my blog? My blog is full of my personality, random and surprising. My blog is based on a English/Art class that I am taking in my High School. I take what I learn in English and express myself through my blog and artwork in my Art class. On my blog you will learn my opinion of what we are learning in English we have already done many interesting stories including: Lord of the Flies, Macbeth, and Life of Pi. We will also be using assignments from the blogging challenge. Every once in awhile we get to choose our own topic and thats where things get really interesting. You will also be able to view some of the artwork that I create. Although I am not a great artist(This is where random and surprising comes in) I try. I also try and put pictures with most of my blogs. From what I have been hearing we will also be introducing video into our blogs. That in itself will be a reason to visit my blog, we have many different characters in this class and when you put a few of them together you could have something amazing wether it be funny or serious. So take some time and take a adventure into my blog.