Tuesday, December 1, 2009


There are many people that have had an influence over my life. There is only one person that I could give the title "My Hero" to. That would be my daddy. He has definitely earned this title. He has always been there for me. I have always been a daddys girl. My dad has always helped me with school and is the reason I am where I am today. My dad is the person I go to with my questions and concerns. He has always been so smart and he would do anything for me. Without my dad I don't know what I would do. He is my best friend and my dad all in one. My dad has always been a person that I would hangout with. He has inspired me to do many things in my life. He has helped me achieve many of my goals and dreams. He has helped me in every aspect of my life. I know that he will always be there, even if I make the wrong choices. He has always been my hero and will always be.

1 comment:

Swanson said...

I enjoyed reading about how your Dad is your hero. It is so important in a girl's life to have a father that takes time for his daughter. You are lucky to have him.